A fire warning, as a logo.


Because 88 by 31 is all we need to have culture. Mouse over them for a message!

My Button!

AVIF Version
A fire logo and the text "Rn86" that worbles in and out.
GIF Version
A fire logo and the text "Rn86" that worbles in and out.

Feel free to use it, just don't hotlink.

If you can, let me know when you use it, for no other reason than to fulfill my curiosity as to where it goes. Please use the AVIF version if possible, pretty much all browsers support it. It's only 3KB vs 13KB for the GIF version. Save yourself and others the bandwidth.

Here's the HTML if you want to copy it. Just make sure to replace the "src" field with where you saved it in your webroot.

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The Dreamcast Logo, which is a red spiral with the text "Dreamcast" beneath it, all on a white background.


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