
I don't like to speak about myself very much. It's hard to write. Imagine if a book included a review, written by the author, right at the beginning. If it's positive, then you know it's lying. If it's negative, then you know it's lying and humblebragging.
But if I were to summarize myself, I would say this: I like computers. I like gaming (except the bad ones). I like Linux and the whole FOSS-type community and ecosystem. I like making things with what I learn.
So yes, I am a generic computer-haver in some ways. Sound the "unique and quirky" alarm. But first, consider that:
- I like telling people that they're playing games wrong apparently.
- I made a two-line commit to the Linux Kernel once, and Phoronix actually wrote a small article about the change. I had no idea what I was doing the entire time.
- I'm your resident Half-Life lore expert. Half-Life is, uh... what do they call it nowadays? My skrunkly? Half-Life is kinda my skrunkly is what I'm trying to say.
- When I was little, I was terrified of the Wii Freezing noise.
- I fly planes. Not the real kind, the virtual make-believe kind. And not the boring ones that don't have weapons.
- I'm also a USB-C Enthusiast. I'm really fun at parties in case you can't tell
- I'm trying to play all the "best" games. It's not going well.
- j
- I don't know what kilometers are.
- My favorite word is "bingle". Please let me know what yours is as soon as possible.
FAQ time!
How did you make this website?
I followed the tutorials over at MDN, stopping just before getting into Javascript (who needs that, anyways?). Then I realized I absolutely hate trying to wrangle Flexbox, so I also use Bootstrap to do that for me. From there, it was just looking at other websites that I liked and looking at how they did it. If you need inspiration, just try browsing around Neocities a bit. You'll figure out what you like and what you don't.
Favorite video game?
There's a big difference between "Best" and "Favorite". My favorite is definitely not the best for everyone. That being said, my favorite is Half-Life 2. Send me your Source Engine memes (and also your favorite word, mine is "bingle").
Why a chihuahua with a hat?
Saw him on Google Images one day. Decided he was me. I mean, just look at that hat. And that expression. He can have any emotion you want him to if you try. Perfect.
Why the element Radon?
- Short, simple to spell, already has symbols associated with it.
- It's hilarious to hear people try to pronounce it. It's a great Bri'ish detector (Rahdun) and just fun to hear it rolled (ŘȒȐah-don).
What do you do for a living?
I do installs and maintenance on servers. You know, those giant computers that sit in racks. Everyone keeps asking me if they can use the computer. Buddy, they don't even let me use it. I want to be a Software Engineer some day, preferably using C++ in some way.
I want to use something from your website.
Do it! The important part is credit. Otherwise, I'm probably okay with it. Inspiration is an important part of the creative cycle. Don't be afraid to take thingies you like from this website. Because guess what!!! This website was also made by taking thingies!!!
What's with all the crazy formats in use here?! AVIF? WOFF2? OPUS?
I plan to write a whole article about this at some point, but the quick answers are these:
- AVIF (Images & Animations): A much more modern image format. Can be much smaller than PNGs, especially at high resolutions. Just to give you an idea: The image of the chihuahua at the top is actually smaller than the plaintext HTML document for this page (4.4KB vs 5.9KB). And that's without the Header and Footer.
- WOFF2 (Fonts): Just a compressed TTF file. Not that special, really. In fact, you probably didn't even notice that this is a WOFF2 font.
- OPUS (Audio): Very good at making high quality audio with low file size.
This may sound somewhat exclusionary of me, but your browser should really support these. The one with the least support is AVIF, and even at the time of writing, effectively all major browsers support that. You really shouldn't be browsing on an outdated browser for obvious, huge security reasons.
I have a question you didn't answer!/Some thingy is broken on this website! How do I contact you?
You can reach me at:

Note that it may take me some time (up to 3 days) to get any response from me depending on how busy I am.